GEISHA IDACAN.Yakushiji-Kaminatsui.2018
Fig 1 Hoxd gene expression in mouse and chick limb buds. (A, B) WISH analysis of E12.5 mouse and HH28 (equivalent to E12.25 to E12.5) chick FL and HL buds with expression of Hoxd gene and Col2a1 or Aggrecan, which are markers for chondrocyte differentiation. (A, left) Schemes showing the morphologies of FL (red) and HL (yellow) in adult mice. (A, right) Expression of Hoxd gene in FL buds are comparable to those in HL buds. The expression domain of Col2a1 (white arrowheads) corresponds to a low-Hoxd-expression region leading to the future mesopodium. (B, left) Schemes representing morphologies of FL (red) and HL (yellow) buds in chicken. (B, right) Expression of Hoxd gene in proximal HL is significantly reduced and restricted to the presumptive fibula. (C, D) RNA-seq profiles of Hoxd gene in microdissected proximal and distal domains from either E12.5 mouse (C) or HH30 (equivalent to E13 to E13.5) chick (D) FL and HL buds. Expression level of Hoxd12 was slightly stronger in mouse proximal FL than in proximal HL (red arrow in C), a difference more pronounced in chick (red arrow in D). Right limbs in (A, B) are oriented proximally to the bottom and distally to the top. The y axis represents the strand-specific RNA-seq read counts, normalized by the total number of million mapped reads. Col2a1, collagen type II alpha 1 chain gene; E, embryonic day; FL, forelimb; HH, Hamburger–Hamilton stage; HL, hindlimb; RNA-seq, RNA sequencing; WISH, whole-mount in situ hybridization. Nayuta Yakushiji-Kaminatsui, Lucille Lopez-Delisle, Christopher Chase Bolt, Guillaume Andrey, Leonardo Beccari, Denis Duboule. Similarities and differences in the regulation of HoxD genes during chick and mouse limb development. PLoS Biol. 2018 Nov 26;16(11):e3000004. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000004. Copyright © 2018 Yakushiji-Kaminatsui et al.